Jumat, 14 Desember 2018

Ebook Free The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

Ebook Free The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

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The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

Ebook Free The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

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The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 3 hours and 42 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Best Success Books

Audible.com Release Date: March 28, 2017

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Looking back on the last 50 years of my life, one of best things that ever happened to me was my wife's uncle telling me to buy and read this book. That was a year before I shipped out for Vietnam.A few years after I returned, I remembered his words when we found out he had passed and I bought the book. We had two kids, paycheck to paycheck, and no savings. I read the book and it hit home; hard. Slowly, week-by-week, we started to build savings. Now, we have a good retirement, well off and secure. This book started it off.Easy to read and understand, timeless message. This book should be required reading for all school kids. It doesn't espouse greed like Think and Grow Rich. It simply teaches that you already have the ability to grow your prosperity from what you already have.READ THIS BOOK and change your life forever.

I buy this book by the case and give it to all the young people (14-25) in my neighborhood. It's an easy read and gives seven basic principles on saving and investing money. I was raised on the 10% rule and have passed it on to the next generation. It is written in parable form, so it's interesting as well as instructive. I highly recommend this book of wisdom for the youth in anyone's life.

I've read this book many times and I try to read it every year so as to refresh my memory and ensure my path. When I first read this, it was an amazing epiphany and I immediately took action. I was broke, about to lose my house, and looking for a way out of the hole I'd dug myself into. The rules within this book works well! I live in Hawaii now, in a nice suburban house, without worry of money. I am always surprised when I'm handed my next paycheck because I no longer count the days to each. Many thanks to the writer, the translator, the archeologist, and of course, the Babylonians!

I read this book years ago. As a result I listened to one piece of advice and now will have a comfortable retirement.Because I was a Christian I believed that I should tithe 10% of my income. I was tithing on my net income, not my gross. In my heart I knew that I should be tithing on my gross iincome. After reading this book, I decided that I should tithe on my gross, but in addition I should tithe (10%) to myself as well. That retirement is what got me through the crash in 2008 and has allowed me to purchase a small retirement property.

Just thought I should write this review as a warning to others. The Richest Man in Babylon is one of my favorite books. It's a great "back to the basics" look at finances. When I'm off with my finances, I dig out my copy of this book. I thought about doing a study group with some members of my church. So, I wanted to check this one out because the "Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century" part of the title led me to believe that it would be a more modern version maybe removing the thee's and thou's... kinda like an NIV vs KJV of the Bible. I WAS MISTAKEN!!!It's both taller and wider than my current beat up version but the font they used is soooo small that I couldn't bring myself to make a detailed comparison- unlike the cover and back cover which are huge in comparison. They jammed 160 pages into 88 POORLY!!! I've never sent a book back before, but this one must go back!!!So get the book, but not this version!!!

First off, this was probably the 20th book about (finance, getting rich, making $, etc) I read. For my adult life I struggled with $, debt, bills, etc.While the info contained within this book certainly is no secret, the story spoke to me in a way that nothing else had. Maybe it was the context, language, or the historical time tested theory, I'm not sure but whatever it was, it resonated.I started reading this book a few years ago in a hotel room on Christmas eve.Something about the stories, lessons, and history really spoke to me. I made a commitment and the following year saw me get out of the hamster wheel of debt that I'd been running in since I was 18.... And establish a respectable savings.Some won't appreciate the stories, some may dismiss the lessons as "common sense" (despite the fact that they aren't applying them and are broke.)Other stories, lessons, formats, may speak better to you.... That's fine.But for me,This book along with the millionaire mind are head and shoulders the two books that have made the biggest impact on me.

3 stars does not mean it is a bad book. Definitely worth a read, especially if you are interested in personal finance without the droll of a finance textbook. Three stars means that the beginning of the book was far stronger than the end, and after halfway the information started repeating a bit and the anecdotes were not as compelling as the beginning ones. However, this book was definitely unique and a quick read with lots of good information that still holds truth now.

This book should be on the summer reading list for every school. I read this when I was younger, and again recently. I read it to my 8 year old daughter. Sometimes a narrative like this is what people need to really understand things. For example, I could say "use money to acquire assets that will make more money, not liabilities or things that just depreciate." But that's just one sentence, and we might all soon forget it. When you take a set of concepts and put it into a story, it gives people a scaffold to hang their understanding on. That's what this book is. It's been around forever, and it is still highly recommended, and there is a good reason for that.As for this edition, I found it to be fine. I wanted the original text, and this met the criteria.

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