Kamis, 19 April 2018

Download Ebook , by Jason Burke

Download Ebook , by Jason Burke

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, by Jason Burke

, by Jason Burke

, by Jason Burke

Download Ebook , by Jason Burke

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, by Jason Burke

Product details

File Size: 4139 KB

Print Length: 273 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1118383044

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (June 18, 2013)

Publication Date: June 18, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#362,803 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is an excellent book for someone to get a grounding in health analytics from multiple perspectives. The book isn't technical and it also isn't written in such a way as to leave individuals inexperienced in healthcare in the dust. My only criticism is that the writer is overly optimistic in his belief in success. The problems for making the authors' suggestions workable are so difficult, I'm skeptical that some of the goals are truly rational. Overall, this is the best non-technical book I have read on healthcare analytics / business intelligence.

I love this writing style. It's a great read, I would recommend this for people who don't need to read this for their MHA program.

Very well written; it is technical and provides important information, but written so that a non-technical person can understand it!

Great customer service. Great experience.

I've been doing the health informatics/analytics thing for nearly ten years, and this is my new "go to" book. Brilliantly written from the ground up. Perfect for any audience that understands or wants to understand the big picture when it comes to healthcare analytics strategy.Surprised that more health informatics programs don't use this as a textbook...

Loved it for class. Definitely made analytics easier to understand and I like how they had examples from current day.

Jason has done a great job creating a book that should be on every Health IT professional bookshelf. Even if you don't plan on doing health analytics or accountable care, it is still an easy, informative, thought provoking read.

I have been working in healthcare space for 15+ years and I can truly say that this book has probably the best and clearest view of healthcare analytics. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in healthcare analytics topic.

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