Sabtu, 28 April 2018

PDF Download The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

PDF Download The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

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The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

PDF Download The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook

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The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook


Praise for the first edition: "This compact paperback has quickly become the most valued and useful resource in my blood banking and immunohematology library....the books primary usefulness is as a reference resource. However, it is highly readable and skimming its' tables and figures will be an enjoyable, painless way to update your information about blood group antigens. Once you start reading this unique compilation of facts and information about blood group antigens, you will not be able to stop until you read the last page." --IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY "A welcome reprieve to those of us who do not have a comprehensive reprint collection, and need to locate data rapidly with the minimum of fuss...[the authors] have met the challenge and the end result is a book that should jostle for space on the bookshelf of everyone with even a casual interest in red blood cells and blood group antigens." --TRANSFUSION MEDICINE

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Product details

Series: Factsbook

Paperback: 758 pages

Publisher: Academic Press; 3 edition (November 21, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0124158498

ISBN-13: 978-0124158498

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

14 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#302,575 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

got this for my SBB course, waaaaay more information than you may need for average blood banking but still a great reference book.

Great resource for immunohematologist and physicians. All the information about antigens and antibodies, including clinical significance in HTR and HFDN. Serological characteristics and gene information . I used my second ed. so much, and the 3rd has additional info and the pages have quick indexes.

Great reference book for anyone interested in transfusion medicine. This edition has even more molecular and is straight forward in it's explanations.


If you work in a reference immunohematology lab this book is a must

Great book. More than you need to know about blood group systems. Really like the additional tables in the back. It's a blood bank lab must have.

Very helpful information. Very useful while doing my SBB program.

This book is great for anyone in tranfusion medicine,especially those of us who perform complex antibody IDs. Much more info than the first 2 editions. Its been a great study tool for the SBB exam.

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